Moonstone Studios

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies In Your Garden

Are you sick and tired of hearing about how to get rid of fruit flies? The worst part is, you may have even thought of trying to use one or several methods that are already out there. If you do, you're not alone. Thousands of others are dealing with the problem day in and day out.

how to get rid of fruit flies


Fruit flies are commonly attracted to rotting vegetables and fruits in your kitchen. However, fungus gnats, which live just as naturally in soil and under plants, also live in and on fruits, so even if you believe you've spotted these, the problem might not really be in your fruit flies. However, rest assured, whatever you've been eating can also aid you with great tips galore concerning how to get rid of fruit flies, how to get rid of black flies, and how to avoid mosquito bites. In the process, you'll find yourself enjoying the freshest produce at the market every time without having to worry about what fruit flies have been consuming just before.


Among the best tips for how to get rid of fruit flies that you will find on many a website on fly control involves the use of apple cider vinegar. This is a popular solution because it's cheap, easily found and has proven time and again to work as a fantastic insecticide. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has natural antifungal properties that work to fend off pesky insects like fruit flies, aphids, mold and fungus gnats. Simply pour a small amount of the vinegar into your traps, set them up, and then set your watch for the evening. You can enjoy the fruits of your labor the next day!

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies In Your Garden


One of the more common methods of controlling fruit flies involves using the old fashion method of making use of vinegar. In this case, however, you're going to want to apply apple cider vinegar directly onto the eggs. Once the eggs hatch, you simply vacuum the carcasses away. To ensure that the infestation doesn't return, continue applying the ACV onto the eggs throughout the night. You may be interested in reading a subsequent article on how to get rid of rotten fruit flies.


If you are wondering how to get rid of fruit flies lay eggs, they typically lay between five and ten. In order to complete this task, however, they need to remain near their water source. That's why it's important to take the opportunity to refill your birdbath with fresh clean water on a daily basis. The eggs will hatch into larvae which, once the larva begins feeding, will begin to eat away at the pieces of wood and fabric in your birdbath until there are no more eggs to be had.


If you would rather skip having to make use of the vinegar or apple cider vinegar method, you can instead use a plastic wrap trap. The same thing can be achieved by placing a piece of clothing, plastic wrap or an old towel over the cage where the flies are hanging out. When it comes time for them to leave, simply take the plastic wrap, cloth or towel and flip it over so that it is now face down. This is how to get rid of fruit flies that are hanging around inside of your trash can.


Another option is to use an air filter to catch any residual egg deposits. You can do this by placing a filter inside of your garbage can and cranking the air handle up. The air will pass through the filter, which will quickly remove any egg deposits or larvae that remain after you have cleaned out your trash can. You should then place a few pieces of tissue or paper towels around the drain holes to catch any residual larvae as they float by.


Fly eggs and larvae left in your drains or trash cans will continue to grow and eventually kill your fruit fly control efforts. Fruit flies thrive on moist and warm surfaces so placing a few traps around your trash cans and drains will help prevent their growth. By removing these creatures from your garden and property, you will be better prepared to rid yourself of pesky pests this summer.

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