Moonstone Studios

How To Start A Blog That Makes Money?

start a blog

How to start a blog in 6 easy steps. Pick a catchy, descriptive name for your new blog. Get your new blog online. Register your new blog and receive hosting at no cost. Customize your new blog with your own choice of content.


Create A Social Media Presence Add your chosen social media sites to your blogging portfolio. This will link readers to your other social media pages. Use these as examples when writing your own blog posts and articles. Include links to your other blogs on your social media profiles so that readers can visit the ones they find most interesting.


Register Your Blog Domain Name Choose a unique blog name to use as your blog's domain name. You should also pick a domain name that reflects the theme of your blogging journey. For instance, if you're passionate about dogs, try a domain name related to dogs or simply blog dogs. This ensures that visitors to your site know what to expect.

How to Start a Blog That Makes Money?


Pick a blogging software package Begin with a free blog platform such as WordPress or Blogger. These free platforms let you build a basic blog online without any technical skills. Choose the most intuitive software package that allows you to customize your blogs. These programs include Google AdSense and Easy Digital Download. Choose monetized blog software to make your site more profitable.


Monetize Your Blog Building your first blog may feel daunting but it's important to be successful. Start with one niche market, share your expertise with your readers and generate traffic. Monetizing your blogs will help you reach your full blogging goals. Monetizing your blogs will allow you to create extra revenue by creating products that can be sold on your website, via pay-per-click search engine advertising, or through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.


Use the RSS Reader Add your RSS feeds to your blogging software to keep visitors informed about what is new in your world. The Feedburner program is a wonderful option to have open automatically while you are working on another task. Use the RSS reader to add your feeds to the left menu for quick access. Also, adding your own comments to each blog post will help you keep people informed. Always add your URL link to your comment box for future readers to see what you've written.


Use the Static Pages option As your readers become familiar with your writing style, they'll begin to enjoy the dynamic content you provide on your blogs. The goal of your blogs is to attract visitors through the use of the static pages feature, so keep this in mind when developing your static pages. Include an opt-in box where visitors can subscribe to your list of RSS feeds. This will make them feel more comfortable adding you to their normal lists of websites to receive regular blog updates.


Be creative and enjoy the process As you create exciting new content, include some images to compliment the subject matter. Try to stay away from using only one image in your entire design layout. Allow other bloggers to use the images you've provided in a post without displaying their images in their entire blog layout. Also, allow your visitors to re-size any image they see fit within the article or as they scroll down the left menu. The possibilities for creativity within a WordPress theme are almost endless.


Keep your writing and speaking up While it's important that your content is informative, there are also a right and wrong way to do that. For example, many bloggers are instructed to avoid using "SEO" words such as "keyword". This practice can cause search engines to disregard your content. Instead, use language that is natural, such as "I'm having fun learning about..." instead of "I'm looking at..." or "making something fun". Your goal should be to build a community of real, authentic bloggers who share your interests and love to share content with readers.


Get Your Domain Names Confidently Making Money with a blog can be difficult, but it can be done if you follow the proper steps. First, select a blog topic that you're passionate about. Next, select a domain name that reflects that topic. Last, register your domain name. In some cases, you might be required to purchase a hosting plan from a service provider. If so, be sure to pick an affordable plan that offers unlimited domains, unlimited blogs, and quality customer service.


Post! You've picked a great topic, a blog topic that suits your personality, and a domain name that reflects that theme. Now it's time to start writing. As you start out, remember to keep your blog posts short, focused on the topic at hand, and your visitors' attention captured. By following these simple steps, you're well on your way to making money with your own blog.

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